Senior Lecturer Positions

Every year, Université Grenoble Alpes recruits senior lecturers (tenured associate professors) to teach and carry out research in a wide range of fields. See our open positions for the 2025 campaign below:

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Odyssée Ref. Field(s) of Study School / Department Laboratory CNU Section
251039 Business Law Grenoble Law School Legal Research Center, CRJ 01
251048 Civil Law, Contracts Law, Torts Law Grenoble Law School CRJ 01
251317 Dynamic Modelling in Macroeconomics or in Microeconomics Department of Economics (FEG) Grenoble Applied Economics Laboratory (GAEL) 05
251318 Accounting, Controlling, Corporate Finance FEG Center for Research Appplied to Management (CERAG) 06
251319 City Shaping and Urban Experimentation Institute of Urban Planning and Alpine Geography (IUGA) PACTE 24
251322 Linguistics and Didactics of French, Learner Corpora, Learning Written Production INSPE (Faculty of Education) LIDILEM 07
251327 Philosophy of Education, Philosophy of Human Sciences, Analytical Philosophy INSPE Grenoble Institute of Philosophy (IPhiG) 17
251328 IS/IT Management, Management of Innovations; Digital Transformation; Digital
Responsibility; Digital Innovations
IUT of Valence CERAG 06
251330 Materials with a Low Environmental Impact Grenoble IUT1 Soils, Solids, Structures, Risks (3SR) 60
251331 Design for Customization of Work Environments Grenoble IUT1 Sciences of Conception, Optimisation and Production (G-SCOP) 60
251333 Elaboration and Mechanical Properties of Metallic Glasses Grenoble IUT1 Science and Engineery of Materials and Processes (SIMaP) 60
251334 Energetics, Cavitation Grenoble IUT1 Laboratory of Geophysical and Industrial Flows (LEGI) 62 / 60
251335 AMS or RF Design for Integrated Circuits Grenoble IUT1 Techniques of Informatics and Microelectronics for Integrated Systems Architecture (TIMA) 63
251337 Chemical Engineering and Electrochemical Energy Conversion Grenoble IUT1 Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Physical-Chemistry of Materials and Interfaces (LEPMI) 62
251338 Metrology, Mathematics and Instrumentation Grenoble IUT1 Subatomic Physics and Cosmology Laboratory (LSPC) 29
251348 Entrepreneurship Grenoble IUT2 CERAG 06
251349 Business, Intellectual Property and Digital Law Grenoble IUT2 CRJ 01
251354 Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, European Law, Human Rights Grenoble IUT2 CRJ 02
251355 Accounting, Controlling, Corporate Finance Grenoble IUT2 CERAG 06
251358 Informatics, Automatic Planning Computer Science, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Department
(IM²AG Department)
Computer Science Laboratory of Grenoble (LIG) 27
251359 Topology or Geometric Theory of Groups IM²AG Department Institut Fourier 25
251361 Mathematical Optimization and Statistical Learning IM²AG Department Jean Kuntzmann (LJK) 26
251362 Computer Science, AI and Application to Perception IM²AG Department GIPSA-lab 27
251365 Cell Biology and Immunology Chemistry and Biology Department Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB) 64 / 65
251366 Plant Cell Physiology Chemistry and Biology Department Cell & Plant Physiology Laboratory (LPCV) 65 / 66
251367 Physical Chemistry in the Field of Surface Functionalization for the Study of Biomolecular Interactions Chemistry and Biology Department DCM 31
251368 Fluid Mechanics and Energy: Advanced Simulation of Turbulence and Energy Chemistry and Biology Department LEGI 62 / 60
251371 Seismic Waves for Understanding Dynamic Processes in the Earth PhITEM Department Institute of Earth Sciences ( ISTerre) 35
251376 Mechanical Behavior of Heterogeneous Materials Under Extreme Mechanical Conditions PhITEM Department 3SR 60
251385 Musicology, end of 18th-19th c. School of Arts and Humanities (UFR ARSH) LUHCIE 22 / 18
251389 Ancient Philosophy School of Arts and Humanities IPhiG 17
251453 International Political Economy School of Foreign Languages (UFR SoCLE) ILCEA4 05
251456 American Literature School of Foreign Languages ILCEA4 11
251457 German for Specific Purposes School of Foreign Languages ILCEA4 12
251458 Cultures and societies in Latin America School of Foreign Languages ILCEA4 14
251459 Literary and Artistic Circulations. Italy-Mediterranean Spaces in the 19th ans 20th Centuries School of Foreign Languages LUHCIE 14
251460 Japanese Language and Linguistics School of Foreign Languages LIDILEM 15 / 07
251462 Latin Language and Literature School of Language, Literature, Performing Arts, Information and Communication (UFR LLASIC) Arts and practices of text, image, screen and stage (Litt&Arts Laboratory) 08
251463 Prose of Ideas, Essays and Criticism (20th-century French Literature) UFR LLASIC Litt&Arts 09
251465 Cinema: Transmissions Professions UFR LLASIC Litt&Arts 18
251468 Scientific Communication UFR LLASIC GRESEC 71
251476 Information and Communication Sciences: Platforms, Data and Knowledge School of Human and Social Sciences (UFR SHS) GRESEC 71
251499 Sociology of Vulnerability, Inequalities and Discriminations School of Human and Social Sciences PACTE 19
251501 Clinical Psychology School of Human and Social Sciences LIP/PC2S 16
251505 Biomechanical and Digital Approach to Human Motor Skills School of Physical and Sporting Techniques and Activities (UFR STAPS) TIMC laboratory and GIPSA-lab 74
251507 Socio-history of Physical Education and/or Sport UFR STAPS SENS 74
Updated on  February 18, 2025